A Comparative Research on Chinese Quantifier "Ge" and Vietnamese "Chiec, Cai"
- Tác giả: 杜幸原 Đỗ Hạnh Nguyên
- Hướng dẫn: 张平 Trương Bình
- Trường: 湖南大学 Đại học Hồ Nam
- Khoa: 语言学及应用语言学 Ngôn ngữ và ngôn ngữ học ứng dụng
- Năm: 2013
- Trình độ: 硕士 Thạc sĩ
- File size: 1.54MB
- Format: PDF
- Nguồn: 中国知网
【Abstract】 Quantifiers in modern Chinese and Vietnamese have certain coherence. However,they also have differences. In the process of studying Chinese, Vietnamese studentsoften make mistakes when using modern Chinese quantifiers for they are notseccessful in mastering the differences of quantifiers between Chinese and Vietnamese.“ge” in modern Chinese and “chi c, cái” in modern Vietnamese are the most widelyand frequently used quantifiers. Untill now, there is no systemic achievement in thesimilarities and differences, which causes difficulties to Vietnamese students to learnthe modern Chinese quantifier “ge”. In the aim at solving this problem, this papercompares and contrasts between the quantifier “ge” in modern Chinese and thequantifiers “chiec, cai” in modern Vietnamese. On the basis of comparison, this paperalso discusses some teaching strategies on combining the common mistakes made bythe Vietnamese students when they study the quantifier “ge” in modern Chinese.The main content of this paper contains:Introducing the concept of Chinese quantifiers and Vietnamese quantifiers and itsresearch status. Explaining the reason and significance of writing this paper andintroducing the research object, method and corpus source.The study on quantifier “ge” in Chinese and quantifiers “chiec, cai” inVietnamese analyzes the similarities and differences between them in terms of range ofapplication, structural style and syntactic function. On range of application, threesituations are concretely analyzed: First is the situation in which both quantifier “ge”in Chinese and quantifiers “chiec, cai” in Vietnamese can or cannot be used. Second isthe situation in which only quantifier “ge” in Chinese can be used. Third is thesituation in which only quantifiers “chiec, cai” can be used. On structural style, thispaper mainly comparatively and contrastively analyzes the reduplicative forms, formsof ellipsis and relative forms in which they combine with behavioral verbs. Onsyntactic function, this paper compares and contrast their similarities and differenceswhen they work as attributes, adverbial modifiers, complements, predicates, subjectsand objects in sentences.Investigation on the mistakes often made by Vietnamese students when they useChinese quantifier “ge”。 Through the statistical data got from questionnaire, the paperconcludes the common mistakes when Vietnamese students study Chinese quantifier “ge” and combine with the findings of comparative study, analyze the reason whystudents make the mistakes, and then give teaching advance.
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